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Handy Tips To Make Your Trailer Last

November 2009

With summer just around the corner its time to start thinking about pulling out the boat and heading for the water. And before you head out the door, you’ll want to make sure everything is in good working order. Just like your boat, your trailer needs proper care to give you the performance you deserve. The experts at ShoreLand’r Trailers offer these simple, do-it-yourself tips for trailer owners:

Keep it clean. Be sure to rinse your trailer thoroughly after each use. If you own a painted trailer, use a good car wax to help protect the finish. Your dealer should be able to provide touch-up paint for repairing minor rock damage. Regularly check all nuts and bolts to see that they are tight.

Inspect and lubricate the wheel bearings and coupler yearly. Look for any unusual wear or damage. It’s not often that bunks or rollers need replacement, but a quick inspection will show if there are any problems. On roller trailers, keep all rollers clean.

Regularly check your tires for unusual wear. When on the road, don’t cut corners too tight. Running over curbs or cutting corners can damage the sidewalls of your tires and damage your axles. Also check the tire inflation pressure. This is one of the most important factors in tire life. Tires should be inflated to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer for the load. Check inflation pressure weekly during use to insure maximum tire life and monitor tread wear. Also remember when buying spares or replacement tires, to check that the GVWR weight rating is the same as the originals.

Finally, look at the lights and electrical components. Hook up the trailer to your truck or car and make sure all the lights are working — both running lights and turn signals. Check the lenses for cracks and breaks and replace if necessary. Spray the connections with contact spray to keep the connectors clean and corrosion free.
